Rafah (Israel-Gaza war)

Rafah (Israel-Gaza War): President Biden’s Stance on the Conflict and Its Impact


The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has drawn global attention, particularly regarding the humanitarian crisis in Rafah. President Joe Biden has indicated that the United States might reconsider its support for Israel depending on the developments in Rafah. This detailed report examines the recent events, the international reactions, and the implications for future U.S. policy.

President Biden’s Warning to Israel

President Biden stated that if Israel were to carry out a full-scale invasion of Rafah, it might lead him to make different decisions regarding U.S. support. As of now, he has not suspended weapon supplies to Israel because their operations have been limited to the border areas of Rafah and not deep into the population centers.

The Situation on the Ground in Rafah

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began “targeted” ground operations against Hamas in Rafah on May 6. Tanks and troops have pushed into the eastern and central parts of Rafah and are moving north along the border with Egypt. Despite international concerns about humanitarian consequences, Israel maintains that capturing Rafah is essential for their victory against Hamas.

International Reactions to the Conflict

The conflict has sparked protests from several regional governments. Egypt and Qatar, mediators in the conflict, have condemned the strikes, while Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have also expressed strong disapproval. Egypt described the strike as part of a “systematic policy” to render Gaza uninhabitable, and Qatar called it a “dangerous violation of international law.”

Humanitarian Crisis in Rafah

The United Nations reports that around one million people have fled the fighting in Rafah, with several hundred thousand still sheltering there. The IDF’s continued operations have caused significant casualties and destruction, leading to widespread fear and displacement among the population.

President Biden’s Conditions for Continued Support

President Biden has emphasized that his administration would reconsider military assistance if Israel’s actions exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen and other lawmakers are urging Biden to ensure that Israel respects humanitarian principles, particularly in Rafah.

Israeli Military Actions and Humanitarian Concerns

Recent IDF operations in Rafah have led to significant casualties among civilians. The IDF has targeted areas where they claim Hamas operatives are located, but these strikes have also hit densely populated areas, including camps for displaced people. The Israeli government insists that every effort is made to avoid civilian casualties, but the high death toll and destruction tell a different story.

Impact on U.S.-Israel Relations

The escalating humanitarian crisis and international outcry could pressure the Biden administration to take a firmer stance on Israel’s military operations. The potential suspension of military aid would mark a significant shift in U.S.-Israel relations, reflecting growing concerns over human rights and the humanitarian impact of the conflict.

Recent Developments in Rafah

On May 8, President Biden reiterated to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if Israel were to enter Rafah with large forces, the U.S. would reconsider supplying weapons historically used in such operations. This warning underscores the administration’s concern about the humanitarian impact of Israel’s military actions.

Calls for Humanitarian Pause

Senator Van Hollen and others have called for a pause in U.S. military assistance to Israel until there is assurance that humanitarian aid can reach Rafah and other affected areas. This pause is seen as necessary to prevent further escalation of the humanitarian crisis.

The International Community’s Response

The international community has been vocal in its condemnation of the strikes in Rafah. Countries like Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have denounced the attacks, calling for immediate cessation and respect for international law. The United Nations has also highlighted the severe humanitarian impact, urging all parties to prioritize civilian safety.

Eyewitness Accounts from Rafah

Eyewitnesses in Rafah have described the harrowing aftermath of the Israeli strikes. Mohammad al-Mughayyir from Gaza’s civil defense agency reported seeing charred bodies and dismembered limbs. Other residents recounted the terrifying moments of the attack, with entire neighborhoods turned into scenes of devastation.

Humanitarian Efforts Under Threat

The ongoing conflict has severely impacted humanitarian operations in Rafah. UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, has reported difficulties in reaching affected areas. Key facilities, including a large UNRWA logistics base and health center, have been hit, disrupting essential services for the displaced population.

Military Operations and Civilian Safety

The IDF’s strategy in Rafah involves targeting suspected Hamas operatives and infrastructure. However, this approach has resulted in significant civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure. The IDF claims to take measures to minimize harm to civilians, but the high death toll raises questions about the effectiveness of these measures.

The Role of International Law

International law requires that all parties in a conflict take precautions to protect civilians. The high civilian casualties in Rafah have prompted accusations of war crimes against Israel. Regional powers and international organizations are calling for accountability and adherence to international humanitarian laws.

U.S. Domestic Pressure on Biden Administration

Within the U.S., there is increasing pressure on the Biden administration to take a stronger stance on Israel’s actions. Lawmakers and advocacy groups are pushing for policies that ensure humanitarian aid reaches those in need and that military assistance is contingent on respect for human rights.

Future Prospects for Peace and Stability

The situation in Rafah remains volatile, with ongoing military operations and a dire humanitarian situation. The international community’s response and the U.S. administration’s actions will play crucial roles in determining the future trajectory of the conflict and the prospects for peace and stability in the region.


The conflict in Rafah and the broader Gaza Strip continues to pose significant humanitarian challenges. President Biden’s warning to Israel reflects growing concerns about the impact of military operations on civilians. As the situation evolves, the international community must work together to ensure that humanitarian principles are upheld and that efforts are made to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Key Takeaways

  1. President Biden’s Warning: U.S. support for Israel may change if the conflict in Rafah escalates further.
  2. Humanitarian Crisis: The conflict has displaced millions and caused significant civilian casualties.
  3. International Condemnation: Global leaders are calling for an end to the violence and adherence to international law.
  4. Domestic Pressure: The Biden administration faces growing calls to ensure humanitarian aid reaches those in need.
  5. Future Prospects: The situation remains volatile, with ongoing efforts needed to achieve peace and stability.

What is Rafah and Its History?

Location and Population

Rafah is a Palestinian city located in the southern Gaza Strip, about 30 kilometers southwest of Gaza City. It is the capital of the Rafah Governorate. As of 2017, it had a population of 171,889. Due to recent conflicts, about 1.4 million displaced Palestinians have taken refuge in Rafah as of February 2024.

Historical Background

It has a long history, dating back to ancient times. It was mentioned in Egyptian inscriptions and was the site of significant battles in antiquity. During the Byzantine period, it was a notable town with its own diocese.

Modern History
  • Post-1948: After the 1948 Palestine War, It came under Egyptian control, and refugee camps were established for Palestinians displaced by the conflict.
  • Suez Crisis: In 1956, during the Suez Crisis, Israeli forces killed 111 Palestinians in Rafah, including 103 refugees in a camp.
  • 1967 Six-Day War: Israeli forces captured Rafah, and in the aftermath, the IDF demolished homes and displaced residents.
  • 1982 Peace Treaty: The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt resulted in Rafah being split into Egyptian and Gazan parts, dividing families and properties.
Recent Developments

It is a focal point in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. The city has faced extensive bombardment, and there are severe humanitarian concerns due to the influx of displaced persons.

Infrastructure and Border Crossing

Rafah is home to the Rafah Border Crossing, the only crossing between Gaza and Egypt. The Yasar Arafat International Airport, located near Rafah, was operational from 1998 until it was destroyed by Israeli forces in 2001.


The population has grown significantly over the decades. In the 1997 census, the population was over 91,000, with refugees making up 80.3%. By 2006, the city’s population was estimated at over 71,000, excluding the adjacent camps.

Archaeological Significance

Rafah has been historically significant since the Bronze Age. It was the site of the Battle of Raphia in 217 BCE and has artifacts from the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods.

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1 thought on “Rafah (Israel-Gaza War): President Biden’s Stance on the Conflict and Its Impact”

  1. Pingback: Israel-Hamas War: May 29, Israel Expands Offensive in Rafah, Securing Control Over Gaza-Egypt Border - American Report

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