Nebraska Tops New Financial Rankings, Warren Buffett's Influence Recognized

Warren Buffett Magic or Midwestern Might? Nebraska’s Rise to State Finance Champion

Nebraska, the home state of the legendary investor Warren Buffett, has ascended to the top of Conning’s 2024 survey ranking of state finances.

This leap to the number one spot is attributed to Nebraska’s low debt burden and significant reliance on natural resources. This development underscores the broader financial trends affecting state economies across the United States.

Nebraska’s Financial Strengths

Warren Buffett’s Nebraska’s rise in the rankings is remarkable, moving up seven positions to claim the top spot. A significant factor in this achievement is the state’s low debt burden. Managing state debt efficiently is crucial for maintaining strong financial health and credit ratings. Nebraska’s economy benefits from its robust natural resource sector, which includes agriculture and energy production. This reliance on natural resources has proven advantageous in stabilizing the state’s finances and providing a steady revenue stream.

Wyoming and the Shift in State Rankings

Following closely behind Warren Buffett Nebraska is Wyoming, which has also experienced a notable jump in the rankings, moving up nine places to secure the second spot. Like Nebraska, Wyoming’s economy heavily depends on natural resources, including mining and energy production. This reliance has helped bolster the state’s financial standing, particularly during times of economic uncertainty.

Pandemic and Migration Patterns

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly influenced migration patterns across the United States. According to Karl Citroen, head of municipal credit research at Conning, there was a marked migration from the Northeast to states like Florida, Texas, and those in the Mountain West before the pandemic. The pandemic amplified these trends as remote work allowed more freedom of movement. However, this trend has recently seen a reversal, with some states becoming too expensive, leading people to reconsider their relocation choices.

Economic and Financial Considerations

Thirteen elements, including debt burden, home prices, and economic growth, are considered in Conning’s annual state rankings. Population growth, which had been a significant driver of economic expansion for some states, now presents challenges as these states need to invest in infrastructure and services for new residents. This increased spending can strain state budgets, particularly if the labor market weakens and people return to larger metropolitan areas.

Managing State Budgets

Effective budget management is crucial for states to maintain financial stability. Unlike the federal government, states cannot print money and are constitutionally required to balance their budgets. Citroen emphasizes the importance of living within one’s means, highlighting the impact of inflation and increased costs on state finances. The surge in federal funding, stock market gains, and economic growth have provided some relief, but prudent fiscal management remains essential.

Climate Risks and Financial Implications

Climate risks are an increasingly important consideration for state finances. Hawaii, which experienced devastating wildfires in Maui last year, has dropped to the bottom of Conning’s ranking for 2024. The impact of wildfires and other climate-related events on investor perception is significant, particularly concerning the safety of electric utility municipal bonds. Recent wildfires in western Texas have already surpassed normal levels for the year, highlighting the ongoing challenges states face in managing climate risks.

Warren Buffett’s Perspective

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, born in Omaha, Nebraska, has long been associated with prudent financial management and investment wisdom. In his annual letter to shareholders in February, Warren Buffett expressed concerns about wildfire risks and the vulnerabilities of utilities in states prone to such events. His insights underscore the importance of considering long-term risks and challenges in state financial planning.

Municipal Bonds and Investment Trends

The broader municipal bond market reflects these trends and concerns. The ICE BofA US Municipal Securities Index has seen a 2.8% increase on a one-year basis, while the ICE BofA US Corporate Index is 4.7% higher. However, shares of the iShares National Muni Bond ETF and the Vanguard Tax-Exempt Bond ETF have both seen slight declines of 0.3% over the past year. These trends indicate ongoing investor caution and the importance of monitoring economic and environmental factors that impact state finances.


Nebraska’s ascent to the top of Conning’s 2024 ranking of state finances highlights the importance of effective debt management and reliance on natural resources in maintaining financial stability. The broader trends in state finances, influenced by migration patterns, economic growth, and climate risks, underscore the need for prudent fiscal management and forward-looking strategies. As states navigate these challenges, the insights of financial experts like Warren Buffett remain invaluable in guiding sound financial planning and investment decisions.

Extended Analysis on Warren Buffett’s Nebraska

In analyzing Nebraska’s financial success, it’s important to delve deeper into the specific strategies and policies that have contributed to its strong standing. This includes examining state government initiatives aimed at promoting economic growth, managing debt, and leveraging natural resources effectively. Additionally, comparing Nebraska’s approach with other high-ranking states like Wyoming provides valuable insights into best practices and potential areas for improvement.

Case Study: Warren Buffett’s Nebraska’s Economic Policies

Nebraska’s approach to economic policy can serve as a case study for other states seeking to improve their financial health. Key policies might include tax incentives for businesses, investments in infrastructure, and initiatives to support key industries such as agriculture and energy. Understanding these policies in detail can provide a roadmap for other states looking to emulate Nebraska’s success.

Implications for Investors

For investors, understanding the financial health of states is crucial for making informed decisions. The trends highlighted in Conning’s 2024 survey can guide investment strategies, particularly in municipal bonds. Investors should consider the economic strengths and risks associated with different states, including debt levels, economic growth potential, and vulnerability to climate risks.


Warren Buffett’s Nebraska’s rise to the top of Conning’s state financial rankings is a testament to effective debt management and strategic reliance on natural resources. The broader financial trends and challenges faced by states underscore the importance of prudent fiscal management and strategic planning. By examining the policies and strategies that have contributed to Nebraska’s success, other states can gain valuable insights into improving their own financial health. For investors, understanding these trends is crucial for making informed decisions in the municipal bond market and beyond.

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